Planning, Building, & Development
Greeneville Town Hall, 2nd Floor
200 N College Street
Greeneville, TN 37745
Welcome to the Planning and Development Department of the Town of Greeneville! On our website you will find information regarding planning, zoning, development services, and long-range planning. We work closely with both the Building Department and Public Works Department, particularly in regard to stormwater management.
Our mission is to effectively combine sound professional planning principles, public involvement, and applicable standards in order to efficiently balance a spectrum of needs and interests while addressing the dynamics of growth in achieving integral development in Greeneville!
The Planning and Development Department:
Creates long-range plans for the physical growth of the Town;
Fosters the implementation of long-range plans;
Encourages public and private development projects;
Ensures that development projects conform to the regulations and standards set for safety, health, order, convenience, beauty and general welfare of the Town; and
Promotes the participation of the public in the planning and development of the Town.
Below you will find some key documents:
Departmental Updates
Greeneville Forward is the Town of Greeneville's Comprehensive Plan for the next twenty years. A comprehensive plan is a long-range plan that is used as a tool by the Town to guide physical growth and development as well as various social, economic, and environmental goals. Greeneville Forward is the culmination of almost two years of work from the community in creating a realistic vision for the future of Greeneville! The plan can be found below:
Randy Davenport
Planning Director
Phone: (423) 787-6199
Fax: (423) 639-0093
Email Randy Davenport
The deadline to submit all required Items for Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals is the 20th of the month proceeding that in which the submission item will be considered by the Planning Commission or Board of Zoning Appeals.