Citizen Complaint Form

The Greeneville Police Department expects the highest level of professional conduct from our officers and staff. If you have a concern or complaint about a member of our department, we want to hear from you. The attached link will open a fillable form which you can fill out, then print and mail to or drop off at our office anytime Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. You may also e-mail the form to the address listed below. If you wish to remain anonymous, you may do so, and your concern will be investigated the same as any other concern or complaint. If you want to remain anonymous, simply leave the information on the form which would identify you blank. If you do identify yourself and wish to be contacted about the investigation into your complaint, be sure to include a good contact number where you can be reached. You may also stop by our office and file your complaint in person with the shift supervisor anytime, 24 hours a day, or by calling (423) 639-7111 ext. #1 and ask to speak to the shift supervisor.  You may also email your completed from here

Office Address:

Greeneville Police Department

200 N. College Street
Greeneville, TN 37745

Citizen Complaint Form may be completed by fillable PDF or through the form below.